Indoor vs Outdoor Exercising

Ah, the age old question. Where do I exercise? It’s an inner debate you have with yourself every time you decide to go and workout, and for some (namely, myself) it is a decision that sometimes is far too difficult to make which nearly always ends with me sitting on my couch with a packet of salt and vinegar chips, watching Masterchef and wallowing in self pity about my indecisiveness. No longer will this be the case though, as here is my guide to help you choose where to go and why you want to go there. Truth is, both indoor and outdoor exercise have their pros and cons and you should really be making your decision  depending on the workout that you want (or are able to achieve). So here we go!


Fresh air, sunshine, all of mother natures general beauties. Outdoor exercise is fantastic, and comes in many different forms. You can go for a bike ride around the city, take a bush walk in a national park, even chuck around a frisbee in the gardens with your mates. The benefit of outdoor fitness is that sometimes you don’t even realise that you’re getting a work out! (which is both awesome and sneaky at the same time) There are very little limitations to what you can do outside in terms of exercise as you can really do it all. Lets take a bit of a look at what you can do:

  • Run
  • Walk (by yourself, with company or with pets)
  • Cycle
  • Outdoor Sports
  • Bushwalking
  • Extreme things (like outdoor rock climbing or abseiling etc)

All of these things are going to give you a hefty workout, and boost your fitness levels. However, there are a few flaws to outdoor exercise that (unfortunately) are unavoidable:

  • Weather: like Goldilocks and her porridge, it really does need to be juuuuuust right to be successful. Obviously if it’s 45 degree heat you’re not going to go outside, likewise if it’s -5 degrees outside. Or if it’s raining. Or hailing. Or snowing.
  • Time of Day: when it dark, you’re not really going to go outside hey? So that really rules out early, early morning or late, late night.
  • Privacy: if you’re not one to like people watching you exercise then you might want to avoid the harsh public eye and take your exercising indoors.


Safe, secure and (if you need it) help!!! Indoor exercising is much more common these days because it’s easy. If you’re in a gym, you’re 100% there to exercise, you’re not messin’ around. Of course there are benefits to indoor exercise and many things that you can do in a gym:

  • Walk/Run (treadmill)
  • Targeted Muscle Workouts (and using the fancy confusing appropriate equipment for these kinds of workouts)
  • Classes (spin, zumba, yoga, pilates the list goes on and on! classes are fantastic ways to exercise)

Of course there are more things that you can do in the confines or an indoor space but those are a select few. Other things that make working out indoors amazing is that you can do it a any time. Got an overwhelming need to run at 3am? Go do it!! Because indoor spaces have lighting you can literally go to a gym whenever you want. Oh, is that rain outside? Who cares!! I’m exercising indoors, where they have a ROOF aka the best umbrella ever!! The best thing about treadmill running (seriously, the best thing) is that you can watch TV while you run. SO. GOOD. I can do exactly the same thing I was going to do in my bed for an hour, but i can do it whilst exercising. Nuts. But there are some negatives about the indoor working out experience:

  • Cost: gym memberships, man. They ain’t cheap. But if you’ve got one, use the dang thing!!
  • Gym Dickheads: you know exactly the kind I’m talking about. Those guys who are there for a perv, to buff themselves up for pictures and not for health benefits and just generally showing off on the equipment. we get it, we see you. get over yourself.
  • Lots of people: unless you go at obscure hours.
  • Mirrors: sometimes you really don’t want to look at yourself working out. gross.

So there you go, there are some pros and cons to exercising indoors and outdoors. Reference this post next time you’re having your weekly fight with yourself about where to go. Good luck!!

By Haylee Potts

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